Okay.. To be honest, I just included "Spanish Guitar" in the subject line to improve my rankings in the search engine. This is just about dogs. For those of you who don't know, we have a slightly-insane, but very sweet cattle dog named Monty. He only has one eye (ill-advised handshake with a moving car), is very gassy, but is our son and makes us very happy.
A couple of weekends ago, Monty got together with his next-door neighbor and girlfriend, Peller.
It seemed like their typical play-day. Lots of growling, hugging, kissing, biting.... But as you can see from this photo, Peller took certain "liberties" with Monty... No, no.. Not that kind. Get your head out of the gutter and look at the picture.
You can clearly see the cheap-shot I am talking about. Charlotte and I are not in total agreement as to now we will seek "satisfaction", but let's just say some very talented $500/hr lawyers are ready to hop on a plane at a moment's notice.
Okay, there is one more picture that some stupid people have said shows that Monty provoked the vicious blow. B.S. In this picture, Monty is smiling at his girlfriend, not growling and moving in for a face-bite as one might assume
Well, that's it. just wanted to share that with you. Sometimes it's tough having a perfect dog. Others want to bring him down off his throne. Luckily, the camera doesn't lie.
It's a sunny day in Montara and we're going to go and enjoy it.
Cheers, Mike